Privacy Policy

Matchy Match’s privacy policy describes the information which is collected by our company Techwitz PVT LTD through the google play application and how will we use this information. Matchy Match is an interactive game for young children where they can match colors, shapes, animals and objects. This app also provides parents ability to build their own custom puzzles for their children with complete control of the application.

Strict compliance of Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).

We do not require any information at the time of the download of the application and during the use of the application we will require the permission of the use of microphone, gallery and camera which is required to create customized puzzles. We only collect data which is non personal such as how the app is performing or is it facing any bugs or issues. We do not collect any information regarding your device.

We even do not give non personal data of the users of the app to anyone other than our people who are working on the app.

We strictly comply our app with the children’s online privacy protection act (COPPA).

Our mobile application strictly complies with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA). We do not ask for any personal information from any children under the age of 13 and even if any data is collected where the users identifies themselves though our support or feedback, we make sure that we do not collect the data as well as it is deleted for sure as well.

We require your E-mail address in order for you to receive information about the release of any new app we will release in future.

Optional newsletter for free is provided to parents which they can decide whether to receive or not. In order to receive the newsletter, we need email address of the parents of the children under section 312(c)(3) for the COPPA rules which are in effect from 1st of July 2013, we will notify you that,

  1. E-mail address is only collected for the purpose of sending the newsletters.
  2. Your e-mail address will be used only for this purpose and we will never combine any other information with it.
  3. You can always unsubscribe the newsletter any time you want.

In case of requirement of any support from us you may send us, an email or contact us through google play.

In order for our application to work fine on all devices all the time we allow users to contact us for the purpose of support question regarding our application. In case of submission of support request, we may receive your email address and other information related to the request which you asked for. We only use the information which is for support.

Sharing and Disclosure of Information

Your email address is only used to send you the newsletter as long as you have kept your subscription on for it. While the information collected for the support of the application will only be used for the support purposes as provided under the COPPA rules section 312.2 which are effective from 1st of July 2013. We do not sell or rent your e-mail address.

tracking usage information. Most browsers allow you to disable cookies or set your browser to alert you when cookies are being sent to your computer.

Third Party Apps links:

Third party application links or advertisements may be provided with in the application which will all be suitable for children. We will not be responsible for the privacy practices of the third-party applications.

Contact Us

In case of any question regarding or privacy policy you can email us at